27. Your favorite title to a furry book or story.

Ugh. As much as I hate to admit it...anything that has a pun in the title. They are all silly, but still funny XD

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24. The last book you finished.

"Slave Trade" by comidacomida. The world was immense, the characters likable and complex, and you had no idea where the story was going to go. Definitely recommend it!

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21. A theme you want to see in a furry anthology.

Post-apocalyptic settings and/or cyberpunk.

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20. Favorite cover of a furry novel.

Hmm...a three-way tie between "God of Clay" by , "Furries Among Us" edited by & "Inhuman Acts" edited by .

Is it me or do anthologies often have great covers?

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19. What is the oldest furry book you own?

A digital copy of "Waterways" I secretly bought when I was in high school, on my kindle account. Thankfully, the parents didn't bother to ask.

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15. Character in furry literature you relate to the most.

In all honesty, I relate the most to Marty from "Circles". His self-consciousness of his body and the need to reaffirm his independence really spoke to me in college.

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14. Furry author you wish more people would talk about.

Even though "Deliverance" technically isn't a furry novel, I think your upcoming book deserves all the attention it can get, ! :D

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11. Favorite genre.

Besides anthropomorphic fiction, I'm an advent fan of sci-fi/fantasy, crime thrillers, dystopian fiction that's original and more recently, I've really fallen in love with noir/neo-noir. I'm a reader of almost every trade! <3

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8. Furry fiction you most wish would be turned into a movie.

Hmmm....I think "Summerhill" by would be one hell of a fun film. Imagine David Tennant as the titular character! :D

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5. A piece of furry fiction you've read more than once.

Books like "Waterways" & the "Dangerous Spirits" trilogy by . "Circles" by and . "Heathen City" by and "Blacksad" by Juan Canales.

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4. Favorite furry anthology.

Oh God, that'd be a tie between "Dissident Signals" edited by + AND The Divine Clawedy trilogy by . Both are deliciously dark in their own rights for 🎃👻

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