>no loud noise plz
>provide regular diaper changes and mojitos
>store at temperatures below 85 fahrenheit
>tell him he's a good boy
>don't leave unattended at target

0 2

Frankendutchies are simple and happy creatures, and here are some things to know:
⚡️No such thing as 'personal space'
⚡️Big huggers
⚡️Daleks will be hoarded
⚡️Tend to imitating those around them
⚡️Very candy motivated
⚡️Halloween is their favourite time of year!

1 7

🐶 He's a Homoflexible gaymer, deep thinker and respectful
🐶 Will give you a nickname if he considers you a great friend
🐶 Loves socializing, but he's coy about it
🐶 If sad, bring comfort food
🐶 Build support and he will repay in kindness and other means

2 3

❤Help groom his overly fluffy tail
❤Keep a constant supply of sweets nearby
❤Allow an hour of alone time when he needs to decompress
❤Ear scritches and belly rubs are a necessity
❤Needs a plush to cuddle when sleeping
💔Don't steal his scarf, he may bite

0 4

Look at my new yeen girl I bought from she is perfect j swear
Tag some artists you recommend below

0 2

🌄초식동물이니 고기말고 야채를 줍시다.
🌄보석을 선물해줄때는 에메랄드와 토파즈를 줍시다.
🌄숲의 유적을 관리하는 땅의 정령이기 때문에 사악한 몬스터를 잡으면 좋아합니다.
🌄밀레시안에 혼도 어느정도 가지고있기때문에
많은 액수의 수표를 좋아합니다.

111 448

Ok, let’s try the

🌕 Give him belly rubs constantly

🌕 Very horny with big muscle guys

🌕 He know he are cute but don’t call him cute (he hate it)

🌕 Love big bulges, pecs and butts

🌕 Provide comfortable bed and pizza

🌕 He love give hugs

15 61

🔳Give him plenty of food

🔲Tell him comforting things

🔳Make sure to give constant belly rubs and snuggles

🔲Be patient when trying to talk to him


3 19

🍍 lots of naps
🍍 daily snugs
🍍 a good toke here and there
🍍 belly rubs
🍍 needs his

1 9

🎮 Play video games.
🎮 Give coffee.
🎮 Feed cake.
🎮 Gets excited over cacti. Talk about them.
🎮 Enjoy chilling.
🎮 Let her steal your hoodies.
🎮 Listen to oldies music and be prepared to dance.
🎮 Cuddle and give ear scritches.

1 3

for the good moo!

🐄Don't bring attention to her...erm.."ample" physique
🐄Easily flustered when complemented (secretly loves it tho)
🐄Puts up a tough front but is a big softy in private
🐄A couple Hugs a day won't hurt

52 372

🥟Feed lots of Crab Rangoon’s
🥟Feed any Asian cuisine really
🥟Offer rangoon tribute when poor
🥟Lots of time near the ocean
🥟Constant fiancé derg/serg cuddle
🥟Lots of positive reinforcement
🥟Feed more Crab Rangoon’s
🥟Foot and leg rubbies
🥟Crab Rangoon’s

0 4

🍓Be nice to them
🍓Play games together
🍓Give them their space

2 11

💜 Strong independent Pitbull
💙 She don't need you

17 259

✨10+ Hours of daily Sleep
✨Access to Cable TV, Movies and Netflix
✨Draws a lot, provide wrists massage
✨Feed Properly
✨Provide Gatorade
✨Enough daily exercise and movement
✨Big cozy beds
✨ Daily cuddles

3 18

☣ always be prepared to be flopped on
☣ Snoot boops are encouraged
☣ share your food especially burgers
☣ be prepared for bad memes they make
☣ give them at least 1 cup of ice tea a day (bubble tea is can be a special treat)

2 25

🐺Requires pets, hugs and kisses atleast 20 times a day.
🐺Fuud...Lotsa Fuud.
🐺Tired of yo shit.
🐺Cuddle when sleeping.
🐺Fast internet+good food= Happy pup.
🐺Needs sufficient alone time.
🐺Bathe him everyday cause too lazy.

2 18

♦️Provide coffee!☕️
♦️Beware of werewolf mode!🐺
♦️Let him ride his motorcycle🏍️
♦️Gamer, provide gaming rig🖥️
♦️Shut up and give him a hug🤗
♦️He is fueled by the hunt for booteh!🍑
♦️...got some weed? 🌿( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

1 38

🦴 Leave her to cook
🦴 Give her lots of pats
🦴 Snugg with her
🦴 Drink tea with her

2 4

🌌Give good cuddles and scritchems
🌌Treat to sashimi/sushi once in a while
🌌 Watch ARGs with at night
🌌 Take stargazing
🌌 Classic Rock or Lo-fi tunes
🌌 Baggy sweater

(Some art cred goes to and )

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