Maika may look tough but I think her tough appearance is just for show considering her events show she's the most easily aroused regardless of its fuuma, orcs or gangs that rape her in the future despite her light saber

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Desenhei o Kazuki e o Fuuma, me inspirei no desenho que fez das roupas do significado do nome de cada um❤☺

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I'm super loving how the NPC/side-character ninja bois have cheebs... So Volteg is now abusing them for Saizhoe's birthday 😂😂

Saizo you aren't telling Kiyohiro to bring you murder weapons to kill Fuuma, right? I'll take Fuuma out of your hair, don't murder him plz 😂

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Mokujin, Fuuma, Anakaris, Donovan

chega :)
fun fact: não fiz o Ryu

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Penso sempre a quanto era dolce Fuuma, lo trattava con una tenerezza e un amore negli occhi che non rivedremo più 😢

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Day 19: Personality/Palette Swap! The victims of this one are Seshirou and Fuuma, a pair of Garchomp and Flygon named after a pair of CLAMP jerkfaces who I like screwing around with like this

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World Heroes protagonist and inspired by a historical figure of the same name, Hanzo is a ninja and leader of the Iga clan. After losing a fight to Fuuma, he considers him his rival and decides to train hard to never to be defeated again.

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Protagonista de World Heroes e inspirado em uma figura histórica de mesmo nome, Hanzo é líder do clã Iga. Após perder para Fuuma, ele o considera seu rival e decide treinar para nunca mais ser derrotado.

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And here we have Fuuma, who conditioned me to immediately assume Suwabe voices antagonists... Which did go on to become a theme in the media I consume. lol

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