Surrounded by Italy’s renowned painting traditions and mythology, painter is inspired by Caravaggio, Baroque art and representatives of academic painting like David, Angres, and Géricault.

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Also the Raft of the Medusa by Théodore Géricault. He used real human bodies as refs, I think about that every time I look at this piece

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"Portrait of a Man Suffering from Delusions of Military Command" & "Portrait of a Woman Suffering from Obsessive Envy" by Théodore Géricault. In the 1800s, the discredited science of "physiognomy", held that physical appearances could be used to diagnose mental disorders.

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How it started How it ended

54mm Napoleonic figure painted with acrylics & oils 🎨
Inspired by artwork: ‘The Charging Chasseur’ by Théodore Géricault.

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Théodore Géricault.1791-1824. Classical Figures.1814-1815. Graphite,pen and brown ink,and brown wash. J.Paul Getty Museum.

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Otra laboriosísima réplica 3D de komododragon de una obra pictórica. "La balsa de la Medusa", de Théodore Géricault.
Another highly laborious 3D reproduction by komododragon of a painting. This time, "The Raft of the Medusa" by Théodore Géricault.

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26 janvier 1824 : Décès (32 ans) du célèbre peintre Théodore Géricault.

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The 27th Salon du Dessin ends 26March at 8pm... but there is still a lot to see! A glimpse of ‘Dessiner d’après les maîtres: Poussin, Fragonard, Géricault...’ at the Cabinet des Dessins Jean Bonna, featuring French from (until 13April)

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Théodore Géricault. French. A brief but fulgurant life. His depiction of madness and death transcends generations.

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Watson e lo squalo di Copley 1778 rappresenta un interessante precedente alla Zattera di Géricault. Oggi alla

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