I’m Mark Stokes, creator of the online comic strip, Zombie Boy Comics https://t.co/AK9B9xbS8Y Thank you all for joining us today! Type in your messages & follow the hashtag.

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However, I always had a sketch of this moment early on, which I knew would be placed strategically in the right individual strip after I built up the story.

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I also love drawing nature but the fun part for me is adding the colour: I love a good gradient in a tree or the sky to create a season or time of the day...

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And then for a more recent example... I'm 30 and I know for a fact no one in my age group will get this, lol.

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Found it! This comic is older than I thought. 2012? That's almost a decade ago!!

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Here's Solstice and Boog, for those of you who don't know...

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I’m Mark Stokes, creator of the online comic strip, Zombie Boy Comics: https://t.co/AK9B9xbS8Y Thank you all for joining in, we’ve got some great topics to discuss today! Type in your messages & follow the hashtag.

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I think all of my characters have a little bit of Me in them
but I've been told my character Nick is just a guy version of me to the point where in the editing process we have to make him more emasculate

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I’m Mark Stokes, creator of the online comic strip, Zombie Boy Comics: https://t.co/AK9B9xbS8Y Thank you all for joining in, we’ve got some great topics to discuss today! Type in your messages & follow the hashtag.

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I have also been inspired by some of Stan Lee's quotes.

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Well, I'm still a little scared this one is from 2010!

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I’m Mark Stokes, creator of the online comic strip, Zombie Boy Comics https://t.co/AK9B9wUgKo Thank you all for joining in, we’ve got some super Q&A today! Type in your messages & follow the hashtag.

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At this point I'm pretty happy with how most of my work turns out. The exceptions are when I haven't drawn in a while and things like the lettering isn't quite as snappy, as seen here (yes, I fixed the spelling mistake!)

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I get mad when I get stuck in talking head mode. I get a good idea and can visualize the layout, but I get overly ambitious and have to roll back the vision. At least I try to vary the heads a bit?

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I wouldn't say I "ruined" it, but overthinking the design of the customer service centre and making it resemble a movie theatre threw readers off.

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I do a surprising amount of research at times... Here was one I researched -- and don't ask how many times I had to re-write Herb's definition of "hygge" to get it to fit into that talk bubble...

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This is a recent strip I thought of running past someone to ensure most people would get it. Recursion isn't a term used much outside of programming. I couldn't ask Jon, because this comic originated from a tweet with him! XD

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