# ggge22

On my Agenda today:
- Finish my gift!!!
- Finish Xmas shopping
- Book travel home for the holidays!

Here have a health potion everyone, relax, recover, take a breath and have some tea!

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Hi Jason!

My WIP this week is really me GGGE project, but I'm not sharing that because its secret!

so instead I'll share the artwork I completed the other day of my gnome character, and the old artwork of the party that I'm redoing, albeit slowly!

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Happy Wednesday again!

I've been working away on character art recently, finished my gnome ranger update, now to do the rest of the party! ❤️

Otherwise I've been worldbuilding and working on my secret gift for GGGE

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Morning Kris and Siamsomsa! Its cold and I'm still in bed keeping warm!

I've been working away. Artwork for the parties characters, GGGE secret project, and continuing my conlang!

I like to mix it up with these posts, so here I'll share that I've started my Trendian script

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Happy Wednesday BlueGoblin!!! 🧡

I'm working on my GGGE secret gift project! But I've also been working on character artwork for myself and my fellow players.

Finished my Gnome on Monday: Need to do a Tiefling, Elf, and a doggo...

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Morning Sol! A happy Wednesday to you!

This week I'll be working on my gift for GGGE so I can't share anything about that, but I'll be working on making tokens for fellow party members

Also I finished updating my Gnomes artwork, so now I've got updated art for my 3 PCs!

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Happy ~! Your "Ardent" warlock type over on kofi inspired me, so I drew someone who might fit, along with their fey patron~

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Ending out the day by revealing what I made my secret friend in ! I made you a little bean🥰I love that you just started DMing, so glad to have you in the community! Keep being amazing, and I hope your remaining December is full of beauty and kindness.


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