for v-day, some of my favourite art (from other artists) that my partner and i have recieved!!

artists are GLITTERGVTS, roundhoundart, Corgipunx & Grodiechan

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trans calico cat sona superiority!!!

(art by @/Corgipunx, @/feelingchimpy & myself)

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Fridays are days! Today we have a tease from artist who did the art for our amazing upcoming Coyote and Crow Story Guide Screen - Check out that Uktena!

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Krn bebrp minggu ini hujan terus di tempat Nee chan,pagipun jd dingin banget g seperti biasanya. Bahkan lagi sarapanpun menggigil kedinginan Kalian jgn lupa sarapan&jaga kesehatan ya~supaya g sakit,krn akhir2 ini byk yg sakit jg.Smoga yg sakit cpt sembuh agr bs beraktifitas lg🥰

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More of this with my indigipunk protags

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commissions @/AmandaDC_Art @/Luigipunkcore

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Psssst. Hey.
Backers are going to receive their full PDF copies of the core rulebook on 12/2. Don't tell anyone though.
It's a secret.

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Aku dah tak guna WehNakBacaApaNi lagi dah. Dulu ingat nak acah guna brand ni, tapi orang lagi kenal nama Iman, takdenya orang panggil aku Weh (dan panjang sebenarnya nak sebut)🤣

Lagipun senang nak rank SEO nanti

Jadi twithandle (& medsos lain) baru aku: ya😉

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More art from This time I asked the incredibly talented to give me a group of young folks on the cutting edge of fashion and tech in Cahokia. Youth who were pushing the style envelope.

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Takde apa lah abam, po tahun ni tahun lagi 1 dapatnya. Takde kacau kewangan pun. Lagipun beli tak semestinya kena complete. Trinity pun dah cukup. Takat ni nak jual cuma captain america ni je😂 kalau minat bagitau. Ni contoh gambar ye😂

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and here, a wonderful collage of the tech aesthetic, which is somewhere between magipunk, dieselpunk, and candlepunk

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Jika dalam Mitologi Yunani ada tiga beradik lelaki yang perkasa iaitu Zeus, Poseidon dan Hades, dalam Mitologi Nusantara juga ada tiga beradik lelaki yg perkasa diceritakan.


Mohon RT utk sebarkan Mitologi Nusantara ini.
Lagipun ilmu perlu dikongsikan.

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Here’s mine for “THE JUMP”. Actually aku terlambat pilih kad mana aku nak lukis drp 53 kad tu tp not bad la saki baki kad yg tinggal utk dipilih. Lagipun aku mmg suka lukis creatures. Hehehe

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Le groupe innovation pédagogique et usages du numérique de l' vient de publier sa gazette :

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🎚️Nikae - PingipungMix 41 - Murmuring marbles (reuploaded)

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i reviewed "she remembered caterpillars," a fungipunk fantasy puzzler by ✨🐛✨ read at :

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