I am so grateful for my patient clients and collaborators!

After mastectomy and reconstruction, I have more energy, but wake up with muscle contractions that shoot down my arms and through my fingers. I clench, then extend, and clench again my digits... (cont.)

2 9

according to my statistics, these are the only pieces of art that got into the triple digits.

...in 2018. https://t.co/wJq0MkldwI

0 3

I'm silly excited to hit 4 digits. It's such an arbitrary thing but I'm on the edge of my seat about it.


Let's do something that plays itself this morning.

1 3

Omg no my finger pls no someone help.

Is what the survivors will say when I become the next big CLOWN MAIN. 🤡

Live now, clowning around and seeing who got the tastiest digits.


1 29

【UTAU】The vocal synth of the hour is Akarine Kaya.
Kaya is a living ball jointed doll with a rather unfriendly appearance. While they take on the appearance of a 16 year old, their actual age is 3 digits.
He is genderfluid, though usually presents as a man.

4 23

800! We're starting to get close to quadruple digits.
As always it's a raffle, leave your OC or character of choice for a chance to win. Thank you all so much!!!

7 50

Alphaburg County

DJ Donut Duck drops the dopest dynamic demos, dishing out direct drive-demolishing decibels from their down digits.


0 7

My 'favorite' is probably this one of Sludge Brad Pitt with an extra severed arm on the left with 6 digits.

1 81

Taking 3 slots for $15 flat color headshots!
I would still like to cover the cost of my new binder so my bank isn't in double-digits.
Please DM me if interested!

1 2

I have sinned 10 times in 1 image.

This isn’t even all of my Marshadow characters. I have more Marshadow characters than I have digits. No, I don’t have a problem. I swear.

3 6

Portrait time.
It’s is Friday and for some inexplicable reason I find it much easier to draw shitehawks,gobshites, shitgibbons,ganches and gits.
Maybe it’s easier still when they are all 5.
Slip on your guessing goggles and take a stiff whiskey.

0 72

Those were the only 2 artworks that have
reached the triple digits. Not that I'm concerned
with numbers and figures but thank you for liking
and retweeting my work to your circle of friends.
My highest is at 17 and my usual numbers are at 2 or 6. And I'm fine/unbothered by it!

0 1

I could have given up years ago with most of my art accounts in the double digits. But I built up my skill slowly over time and now I find myself with almost 700 of you people following me even after about 2 years of me posting nothing.
Appreciate what you got

1 4

Will draw sexy ladies for 25 bucks

Rents tomorrow and I want a lil buffer since I'm pretty sure I'm dropping back into the double/single digits.

Shoot me a DM!

11 32

Re: Zero Daily Trivia

According to Natsuki Kenichi in the trial, Subaru's dad, the amount of high school girls he has in his phone's contact list numbers close to three digits.

In comparison, Subaru's own contact list barely even reached two digits.

42 729

Somehow I have made it to the triple digits. The timing is ironic, and I doubt I'll stay there, but hey. Gonna celebrate anyways. Post your OC and my 4 idiots will judge them. Respectively, this is Kliv, Nath, Tion and Troy. Nath's the only asshole I promise.

1 7

Final test run of my Quake Brutalist Jam map. Map is now submitted and waiting to be released. Yes, that is 1193 monsters as Quake doesn't show 4 digits.

15 79

Thought we were done, but so many fish were bitter they didn’t get a role in the alphabet I’ll have to do some digits. Yes, seahorse are fish! They can be any color, blending in. For the 4, I feature lingcod, only the luckiest 15-20% of which are turquoise. Truth!

3 23

Eyyyyyy 3 digits. Only took 13 years kek.

Let's do a raffle ig

-Comment your ref if you want
I'll draw the winner something!

7 11