hi gm!!!! happy tuesday!!! オハヨウゴザイマスʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

今日は食パン🍞i love sliced bread!!

have a good day 🫵

8 289

hi gm!!!! オハヨウゴザイマスʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

happy monday!!!!! i hope you guys had a good weekend and have a good rest of your week 🫶

11 268

hi gm!!!!!! happy monday!!!!!!!!!!!


have a wonderful week! 良い一週間を!!

18 298

hi gm!!! happy friday!!!!! 金曜日〜〜〜のオハヨウゴザイマス‼️

hope you guys have a lovely day!!!

19 279

hi gm!!! happy thursday!!!!! オハヨウゴザイマス🥑

my boss gave me an avocado and my coworker gave me a banana!!!!! healthy breakfast!!!!!!!上司からアボカド、会社の人からバナナ、いただきました‼︎(謎)

have a lovely day! almost friday!!

8 268

hi gm!!! happy friday!!!!🪤

for some reason our transit guy dropped us off in the back of the station so we were very confused but then i saw my friend so it worked out(?) net positive!!

almost weekend, i hope you guys have a good day!! 🫶

5 201

hi gm!!! オハヨウゴザイマスマスマッスル🤩

happy tuesday!! it is!!! so hot today!!! please take care if you are out in the heat 🥹 熱中症対策、、

have a good day🫶

16 340

hi gm!!! happy Thursday!!!

the heat wave ends today!!!! friday is tomorrow!!!!! weekend soon!!!! AHHHHHH

have a good day 🫶

7 231

hi gm!!!!!! happy monday!!!!

heat wave incoming on east coast!!! ahh!!!!
stay cool!!!!!

have a good week 🌰

19 349

hi gm!!!!! happy tuesday!!!!

i want to go home and lay with the cat💤

14 241

hi gm!!! オハヨウゴザイマス 金曜日ダーーーー‼︎

happy friday!!!! have a good day!!!!!!!!! ☀️

12 282

hi gm!!! happy tuesday!!!! オハヨウゴザイマス‼︎

mon surprised me with pastry funds 🥹 i tried a danish terbirkes (ティビアキス) today!!! it was so good!!!!!!

今週も頑張りましょウ⤴︎⤴︎ have a good week!!!!!!!

13 226

hi gm!!! 🌧️

it is so humid,, muggy?? my hair is exploding!!!!

happy thursday!!!!!

13 260

hi gm!!!! it's wednesday 🐸

sitting in park photosynthesizing has become part of morning routine... halfway through the week !!!!!!!

12 285


61 244

I managed to wake up...💪💪

5 85


....I went to work at the wrong time and I have some free time now....🫠🫠

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1 29