-bllk cw m/m pair ryureo / shidou x reo


97 1117

Me identifico con Godai un poco hahaha es un poco falsa modestia este señor haha no me gusta... Por ahora.

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La imaginación de Godai soy yo shippeando

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Jjkhalu! Crossover hq mashle csm aot op windbre

Ktika abang2 jaktim pride ngegodain mas atuuy yg jdi cover boy
Ad yg mw ditag buwat lokal!au na?

12 162

-bllk cw // blue lock spoiler manga episode nagi

kalo tiba-tiba ketemu mereka dijalan kira-kira bakal lanjut jalan apa langsung muter balik?😭 TAKUT BGT DIGODAIN EITA

161 1421

jjkhalu! gojo x utahime

Kalo suka tuh confess aja bang, masa udah 12 tahun dari jaman remaja cuma digodain mulu...... @. gojo

190 1944


kalo pacaran sama Chigiri
takut dia digodain cewek❎
takut dia digodain cowok✅

491 3656

ruo is justified to feel that way about junpei. junpei had more "freedom" at godai than oikawa studio, which his why his performance had been lackluster. however, junpei needed that strictness to hone in on his basic foundations to allow him to do the ballet he wants to do

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babu! bukan bermaksud genit ya, tapi rugi ga sih kalo mas mas ganteng ini ga di godain? kiw kiw kosong delapan berapa mas ganteng? 😘

Sumber: X/HoYoFair_0

118 890

babu! gorou gemes banget. liat gorou bawaannya pengen pat pat, terus kalo ketemu dia pengen selalu bawain kue. pantes yae miko suka godain dia, orang lucu gitu 🥹

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I had to doodle the other parts of the blonde squad, Yako and Godai!—

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prsk! Kadang cewe lupa, secara ga sadar mereka bersolek, centil itu instinctively untuk menarik Shinonome Akito. Akito godain itu karena instinct nya ketrigger. It’s by nature. This is how we humans from thousand years ago manage to prevent our extinction.

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Kecil ajh suka digodain mas mas 😭😭 Tris mau ngadu ke sape gw tanya

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The manga Ataru bought is Maison Ikkoku volume 5 which has Yotsuya, Akemi and Godai on the rear cover. The pages shown a short time later are from the same volume. Ataru was reading Maison Ikkoku in the original manga chapter this episode is based on as well.

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