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Godfall 🔥👿✨
So, who has the power to defeat and imprison the mighty god?

Available at
Reserve : 0.8 SOL


43 64

WIP :: Godfall ✨
Oh my... It's possible that God isn't revered on this planet. 😱

73 132

Like his work on Godfall alone, his Supergirl stuff did lean into the cheescake hard but I honestly had more issue with the writing of Kara then his art on it. it was such a shock to lose him so soon I thought he would have years of more work.

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Also here are the Patreon Tiers I drew up because I thoroughly enjoy how these came out~

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Superman Godfall by Michael Turner

24 176

Yearly reminder that I am a concept artist in gamedev who worked on Ass Creed Origins, Watchdogs and Godfall to name a few.

I'm not a shitposting influencer 🤣

244 2567

Godfall by the late Michael Turner is the event that brought me back to comic shops along with Hush. Such a moving & beautifully rendered moment.💥

12 78

Superman : Godfall (2004) covers by Michael Turner w/

88 524

Alerte jeux gratuits ! ⚠

Cette semaine, c'est Godfall: Challenger Edition et Prison Architect qui sont offerts sur l'Epic Games Store.

29 305

EpicGamesにて12月16日夜までPCゲーム2本・無料配布『Godfall Challenger Edition』大作アクション・エンドゲーム限定版 +『Prison Architect』刑務所運営SLG 

3 11

A lot of awesome free games are currently available on PC!

- Grab on Connect!
- Claim on
- Take and on the

They are all free for a limited time, but once you claim them, they are yours forever!

0 2

Ya están listos para su descarga los juegos que regala Epic Games Store, se trata de GODFALL Challenger Edition y Prison Architect.

La próxima semana tendremos un juego secreto por lo que deberemos aguardar hasta el 16 de Diciembre para conocerlo.


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¡Nuevos juegos gratuitos en Epic Games! Hasta el 16 de diciembre ⌛.

• Godfall Challenger Edition: Coop, acción, aventura.
- Precio Original: 14,99€

• Prison Architect: Estrategia, un solo jugador.
- Precio Original: 24,99€

17 116