"Mitch McConnell may be a horrible person and I still hate his guts, but I'm still going to celebrate him getting injured because that's what bad people do."

Bruh, he'll still be just as much a horrible person if he makes it out okay and the GOP, don't even bother.

0 7

Silver translator: I can't decide whether to back the GOP, which has openly demonstrated its fascist theocratic goals; to be neutral and provide cover for Republican oppressors; or to back Democrats who are actively working to make people's lives better. SUCH a conundrum.

59 1000

The GOP, selflessly protecting America’s children from real threats 😑

19 50

New childrens' book from the Texas GOP,...with an introduction by Justice Alito:

204 420

Vent art because fuck the GOP, fuck the supreme court and fuck our government. My entire life my body has never truly been mine and that goes for a lot of people. I'm fucking sick of it. I'll be doing all I can to stop this.

1 6

S/ retiradas
'Campagne de France, 1814' (1864) de Meissonier viene prestando servicios al [al menos] desde 1890:
McKinley al frente derrotado por Joseph Keppler en Puck 18/11/1890

➕#humor & /


0 0

According to the GOP, when the bully is on your side you just look the other way.

0 0

To GOP, freedom is only for anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers!

1 2

hi Bill - was thinking that you might resonate with this. Short comics essay / webcomic I wrote & drew; my reflections on the nature of evil, Trump, the GOP, and Alan Moore's Swamp Thing. Colors by Thomas Gryphon At https://t.co/jD1VwH3hwi

2 1

Hi Mark! Since you voiced Swamp Thing, love comics, and speak out against the GOP, I thought you might enjoy this new short comics essay I wrote & drew, at UK site https://t.co/2rlwhrvo2f Colored by my buddy

4 16

Aiming to have 5000 lefty, pro Scottish Independence, anti gammon, anti Tory, Anti GOP, anti Trump, anti conspiracy theorist, anti racist, anti fascist, Trans ally, feminist, followers in the next few weeks. Can you help with a RT?

44 41

GOP, Complicit and cowards! They all have blood on their hands!

0 1

Trump, GOP, & turns America into a Banana Republic.

America won't forget their role.

211 492

Megatron Advent Calendar day 15 ~

More Cybertron megop, Megatron's enjoying the view Optimus Prime provides uvu

12 32

Dear : It’s super noticeable how u & others won’t mention voting machine vendor ES&S w/ its ties to the GOP, secret use of remote access software, wireless modems, data leaks, & vanishing black votes. Did you really think we wouldn’t notice? 1/

193 488

An alt version of Gop, now on boxers - ////-.

Thanks for the lights

1 1

The GOP, hearing Trump publicly urge China to investigate Biden:

0 0

Thanks to & her capitulation to the misogynistic powers that be in the GOP, we have even more reason to in November.


45 61