A GOZR character sheet from the sketchbook.

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【2023/03/11】のDriveThruRPG1日値引きで『GOZR Sci-Fantasy RPG』が半額の2.5ドルに。

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Hey, (rolls on random name generator) Goracial Brog, stop pointing that atomic plasma blaster at (rolls) Zin Plutar! Maybe they don't have two fifty today. It's cool, fool. But about that genre thing... Loosen up, Zinny.

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There are two monsters inside me and they are fighting for my creative attention! I guess it's a win-win, though. I love them both dearly.

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Gooz grunts! Part of the menagerie of ugliness from GOZR RISING, a work in progress.
Goal: To make a follow up to GOZR that is even more ridiculous yet surprisingly unrefined. There may be belt buckles.

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Gooz names have deep meanings.

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GOZR has been described as gonzo, but I have never used that word to describe it. I don't think GOZR is gonzo. Gonzo, to me, means totally over the top and zany, out of control, ridiculous. GOZR is heavy metal sci-fantasy.
But I'll accept gonzo if people wanna use it.

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GOZR. 1 out of every 5 gooz name GOZR as their favorite game. https://t.co/ElnzmOFH8X

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Current obsession: Working on a classic format book (9x11 inch) that is heavily visual (like GOZR) and heavily B/X. Black Pudding related.
Not sure where this is headed. But that's how GOZR started. Not sure where it was headed but it eventually got there anyway.

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In case you aren't clear what your character might look like, it might look like this.
Long live the ugly!

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Jade Pok is a simple gooz, just goozing their way through a life.

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In the last GOZR game I played in, I was a wizard with the spell "Spy".
Used it several times. I named the dupe my brother. To end the spell I killed him. Don’t think the dupe liked it. But being a magical creation and not an autonomous life form he basically did his gig.

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Do YOU have a badass belt buckle?
Gooz love their blingy buckles.

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Finished the gooz magistrate. Not going in the first book but definitely in book two.

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What is a anyway?

It don't mean shit.

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is coming. The Pretty Ones are dead. Long live the Ugly Ones.
GOZR is a sci-fantasy RPG inspired by 70s and 80s fantasy, sci-fi, and sword and sorcery that I love.

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Another example of character creation steps. This is step 12. It has an eye symbol, which means you can roll or choose what you like.
Inspired by all the great games that include similar background tables, starting with the Secondary Skills table from AD&D.

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I'm getting ready to publish which is a sci-fantasy TTRPG about the ugly ones, inspired by 70s fantasy such as Heavy Metal!

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