Ready to spend all your SQ for Arcueid, fellow Masters?
Good luck to all of you! 🤞🤞🤞
and show me who you got in the Gssr and DOS!
Happy 7th anny FGO!! 😍🥳7⃣🎉

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Happy Anniversary FGO NA - to all masters pls make sure to pay your debt back to NFF to ensure that Koyanskaya comes home. There may be interest..

Best of Luck to you all on your GSSR - get the booba.
It's Artoria - don't let Nasu trick you.

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Took me a little longer than expected but my Gssr summons this year

21 67

Streaming now! Time to bring Grandpa Muramasa home! GSSR + Saber wars 2 grinding. Drop by and say "hi" would love to chat.

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Doodled Okita last night since I got her for the new years’s GSSR ♥️ she is the cutest 🥺

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Looks like it's gonna be a wet walk to work tomorrow 😅 & all week.
Epic stream today!!! We got the GSSR to work on JP too & got Sen no Rikyū, which is awesome!!!
Small stream after work 6pm(GMT)
Hopefully getting Maid Alter 🙏🏻

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Results are in the catalyst works. Slap this thing on your daughters minivan cuz it brings home the GOATED GILF Muramasa senpai. Not to mention a double ssr in the GSSR.

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My friend Eris gave me GSSR money and I spent the free SQ on singles in story

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Every Banner New Year GSSR

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Prolly gonna go for this GSSR. Really want Ishtar or Swimsuit Artoria in my Chaldea. Actually anyone but Shiki would be great.

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Since she was my GSSR unit this year, here's Memezumo no Okuni

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I was able to get the best married couple from the current GSSR and I gotta say, they are absolutely amazing. I'm so glad I got them and call them one of my main Lancers. But this means for me that I'll roll for Melusine in NA instead. I'm satisfied with the lancers I have in JP

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Van Gogh would have been my dream GSSR one, but I'm still quite happy with what I got :3 💜 I'LL GET U ONE DAY!!!!

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My summer Jeanne is already at NP2 thanks to GSSR, time to finally roll for Fuji—

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happy 5th anniversary, FGO 💕💕 hope everyones rolls for castoria + gssr went well! 💕

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So something weird happened and now I have to call my bank tomorrow. So no GSSR til further notice.

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For those that are curious, apparently my previous GSSR's have been too good that I for once got the worst case scenario of Saber least Carmilla is cool

The good news is 6 tickets and a rainbow spark is all I need to dedicate my path and dedication of the Arts 🎨

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