Calling this a part of GtJuly and Gt Inktober: Candy
A piece I did when autumn was still in full swing. Now I tread in snow on the daily 8,D

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Day 31: Free Space

The world is on fire literally and figuratively and the only air conditioners that would fit my apartment windows are all Kickstarter scams or $500 portable machines

Happy fucking Gt July everyone

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Day 28: Scavenger Hunt

“Welcome to Titan Tony’s Terrific Treasure Trove. Fill your list in 1 hour, get to the 2nd level. Finish all levels & get your name on the Wall of Fame w/ your fortune. Steal, be disqualified, & forfeit your valuables. Good luck & happy hunting.”

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Day 23: Candy

While Rufaro and Luiza cannot agree on which is the best Halloween candy (spoiler it’s both), they can agree that circus peanuts and American smarties are the fucking worst

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Day 21: Handheld

Asamani already doesn’t like being around Humans. He already doesn’t like interacting with Humans. You can guess exactly how he feels being forced in direct contact with Humans, let alone with Vishal, at the end of a chain.

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Late 17- First Meeting.

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Day 16: Beach

Take a walk on the beach, they said. Your dog will love it, they said. What are the chances you’ll come across a giant beached merperson, they DIDN’T say.

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Day 15: Redraw

Based on the very first colored/finished pic of Colm.

It’s barely a finished sketch and it’s still such an improvement in comparison. Imagine if I actually took the time to finish this one properly!

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Day 14: Sleepover

Technically this one is part of a What If/AU where one is drunk, the other possibly has a concussion, and both think they’re dreaming this interaction right now

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Day 13: Cosmic

Some stars are closer than they appear

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Day 11: Mini Giant

Dusting off a pair of OCs I haven’t used in awhile: Charlotte & her unusually big cat, Charlie! Tiger sized, looks/mannerisms of a house cat, more intelligent than he should be, & Charlotte’s very best friend.

I need to get back to these guys someday.

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Day 8: Snacks

sharing is caring

(i may have blanked on this one and/or given up on an interesting perspective for this one lads)

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get flowered 😌#gtjuly

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