Hear Dr Peter Dennis explain how ECHOES investigating key habitats of Curlew & GWfG in estuaries and coastal wetlands relates to
17/11/21 18:45- 20:30
Tickets/Tocyn: https://t.co/zuoT5IEsQf

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😃👀👂Hear Dr Peter Dennis @ Penglais Campus explain how ECHOES is investigating key habitats of Curlew & GWfG in estuaries & coastal wetlands relates to https://t.co/Rbr7C12ooo

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Today is At ECHOES, we are looking forward to spend some time with the as it turns up for its annual snack on the coastlines. How do we know what it eats? By analysing its poo of course!💩#euirelandwales 🇨🇮🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

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