In the hillfort of the Muro da Cidade de Medeiros (#Galicia), a warrior married a "moura" (an Otherworldy woman). After giving its inhabitants the vine plant as a gift, she moved with her husband to Quinta do Peru, giving rise to a rich family.

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Alalá de Muxía / 3rd CD 【Morriña - ガリシアの孤愁】より
Muxía ムシア(ガリシア Galicia)の歌。全編 カミーノ、 サンティアゴ巡礼とケルトの聖地。
全曲詳細は CDは, DM, 

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🏰 Un par de ilustracións que realicei para a web (Fortalezas do Reino de Galicia), que reúne unha listaxe destas e difunde o patrimonio cultural derivado das construccións orixinarias das Idades Media e Moderna.

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Christians killed all the 'mouros' (pagans) who lived in A Creba (#Galicia). So the princess invoked a big wave that drowned the Christians, separated A Creba from the mainland and turned it into an island. Then, she became a huge snake and caused many wrecks.

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The Aláparo was an one-legged, one-eyed monster who used to kidnap girls and women to eat them. The neighbors from Salvadur (#Galicia), fed up with this situation, hunted and killed the creature, and buried him under an oak tree that still exists today.

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Night was coming and Roland had not yet taken Malverde. So the warrior asked God for granting him one more hour of light after the sun had set. The wish was granted. Roland took Malverde and sank the city under the waters of the Carregal pond (co. Ribeira,

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Near the Pena Abaladoira ('the oscillating stone'), in Alfoz (Northern a beautiful fairy woman or "moura" is believed to be living. Her hair is long and blond, and she sometimes offers a golden hare as a reward to whoever capable of untangling it.

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In the cave of Chan do Lindeiro (#Galicia) the remains of a woman (baptized as "Elba" by archaeologists) were found along with those of three aurochs (ancestors of today's cows). The remains are more than 9000 years old.

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Celsia, a Roman governor's wife, is said to have had 9 daughters after drinking from a magical spring in (#Galicia). Since the girls were Christians, they were martyred.
One of them, Santa Liberata or Santa Librada, is venerated for favoring childbirth.

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"A Vella" ( = 'the Old Woman') holding the standing stone called "Pena Molexa" (#Galicia) with her finger, as local folklore claims.

🖌️ Artwork by Carlos Afonzo.

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When the cook of the monastery of Caaveiro (#Galicia) opened the belly of that salmon, he found a ring inside. It was the ring that the Abbot Saint Rosendo, years before, had thrown into the river, as a sign of repentance for having sinned.

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This is A Pena Molexa (co. Narón, According to a legend (one of the many about this place), this stone was raised by an old woman who holds it with her finger. The day she stops doing it, the world will end.

📸 Luar na fraga
🎨 Carlos Afonzo

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People of Martul (#Galicia) is said to have thrown the body of a huge 🐍 into the "Pozo do Piago", a deep, dark pond in the Miño river. The monster had eaten their animals and harvests, so they killed it. But the ground where the dead snake was dragged became barren.

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The monk Trezenzonio sighted from the top of the Brigantium tower (current Tower of Hercules, in a fabulous island, the Insula Magna Solistitionis. He sailed to reach it, and there he remained for 7 years, without suffering hunger, thirst or disease.

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The Torre da Moa (#Galicia) is the scene of many legends. According to 1 of them, in this place were the Celts ("1 of the 14 races before the current Galicians"), and then the XIGANTA MEOTA came. She was "a giant woman with the appearance of a man who ruled men".

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Holis! Soy Ane, ilustradora casi todo el tiempo menos cuando hago cómics (que por ahora solo han salido en Galicia). Aquí os dejo más dibujines y merch por si os gusta mi estilo :3 Si queréis ver más, aquí ta mi enlace:

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In Pena Grande, very close to the Zoñán hillfort (co. Mondoñedo, it is said that on Saint John's Eve you can see the "encantos" (the feeric beings) playing the bagpipes and dancing!

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The "herba de namorar" ( = herb of love), or Armeria maritima, that grows on the cliffs of Santo André de Teixido (#Galicia), must be picked up and put into the bag of the person you are in love with. That way, she / he will fall in love with you too!

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Detalle del diseño, hecho con , de "Hic svnt dracones" mural en Lugo (Galicia) para el Culturban 2020.

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Let's see in this recreation how a northern sweat lodge could have been. Sauna of O Sarridal (Cedeira. By Pablo Aparicio / Jorge García de Pedro / AXA Archaeology

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