Happy birthday to Matsuyama Takashi, the voice of Allomon and Musyamon in Digimon Tamers, Snimon in Digimon Frontier, and Algomon, Gaossmon, Boltmon, and Abbadomon Core in Digimon Adventure:! 🎂🎉

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I've been thinking that my next "big project" could be a big genealogy showcasing (what I feel) are the most accurate evolutions for each Digimon... but I don't want to look like I'm trampling over other people's ideas.

Anyways, here's a Gaossmon line (?)

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A reptile digimon that doesnt like to fight. It holds its pre-evolution in its mouth to protect it.

A swift digimon that specializes in running and barking.
It completely dreads all water bodies.

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Nuevas imágenes de Digimon Adventure:, en las que vemos a Nohemon, a Atamadekachimon y Minidekachimon (que finalmente son rojos, no naranjas) y lo que parece ser Gaossmon, o quizá su nueva digievolución, por la silueta que vimos en el avance 🤔

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This isn't done yet but I'm suuuuper tired and calling it a day. I clicked random page on the digimon wiki and drew what I landed on, got Gaossmon the little weirdo

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¿Qué diríais si esta fuese la línea evolutiva convencional de Monochromon? Son con rasgos de dinosaurio que no quedan nada mal en conjunto.

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Lista con artes nuevos desvelados hoy o simplemente mejores imágenes de los que ya habíamos visto:
-Meramon cocinando como en
-Dorbickmon con un ejercito de Megadramon y Devidramon

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5. Ekakimon, Nivel Principiante (Rookie) - Datos
6. Gaossmon, Nivel Principiante (Rookie) - Datos
7. Gumdramon (¡el segundo prota!), Nivel Principiante (Rookie) - Vacuna
8. Ignitemon, Nivel Principiante (Rookie) - Virus

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Well since just added Gaossmon to the reference book I have to share this doodle I made like a year ago

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The official Digimon Twitter, , tweeted this hq images for Rukamon and Gaossmon!!

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