CoC ビスポークランドでなにがあったか?

HO1:ぷちゃ /Eric J. Brown
HO3:ひぐれ /Happy.D.Happy


1 7

Messy sketch of Lloyd n Sensei Garm, I miss seeing these two together sm😭

71 385

in the context of the books we can’t even have snitch wu because the fsm spoke to the brothers less BECAUSE of him. wu’s real only way of making garm do the right thing is by giving him that look to let him know he’s judging him

1 13

Garm returns the boys' favor.

12 43


可能是近期狗爸爸的手感不錯,熬夜畫了新畫風 希望大家喜歡💕🙏

連假快樂 萬事如意 種子種子

詳細無碼請至 —加姆Garm .ch

4 31

okay whatever i can’t figure garm out so this is what i’m leaving him as

6 19

And here is the finished product!!! Thank you for comissioning me ! I was very glad to draw your favorite mass murderer. Bbys never done a single wrong thing in his life

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Their emblem and the inspiration, Garm.

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Chaoskampf, Agent Garm, former decorated soldier now a branded War Criminal and escapee. A bestial killer on the run alongside other members of Jailbreak. She's hard to deal with because of her nature but has taken a liking to the boss.

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社團:Little Crown



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Garm and Manu during their Nioh phase.

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in one of the SB books he’s so ready to leave wu to get lost in a pyramid forever just because he was jealous that a girl they just met was being nice to Wu so i’d like to imagine the other ems knew garm got with misako out of spite and they just invited wu to their relationships

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2019 illustration of my good sumo-inspired fishman, Ocean Man. One of Garm's closest colleagues, and a very talented irezumi artist.

Eyeballed a picture of RL yokozuna Chiyonofuji for this.

6 27

Gift for @/garm1606

Thank you so much for your support over the years it means so much to me ♥ ^-^

6 16

Indie animation challenge Day 8
Drawing our dog knight, Garm of Toria, in the style of 🐱✨

The final hidden form of the Wolf, just a warrior cat in armor doing criiiiime. Absolutely adore the style and remember reading the comics when it first came out. ☺️

8 31

Indie animation challenge Day 7
Drawing our knight, Garm of Toria, in the style of from 🤘

Allissoon is a hero to our studio and an inspiration to both the indie & professional animation field. We hope the UK treats you right, and you keep on rockin

9 37

A-hole Tfinn, that's not how you treat friends 😤

19 60

Actually it's okay, Garm has no respect for horns either.

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