here's a genzen before i sleb

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Let's save those dolphins, sailors!
Below one specimen from vault ⛩️🐬

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Equally fabulous and a contrastive pair for “Calas/Vertigo by , previously featured in

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Every flower opens in due time and for a reason.
Beautiful code specimen by . I gladly spent last 4tez to add to collection.

Signed and sealed with blossoming


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Feeling geometrically elevated after this art mediation on composition and color.

Coded by , welcome to collection.
Signed and sealed with cryptic cyrillic


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/or/ part II ⛩

A depth of zen simplicity in ’s project is striking and inspired me from the very begining. Thank you!

Signed and sealed with custom
“In Search Of a New Home


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Had a solid height of contemplative pleasure playing with this codeplant specimen by talented .

Signed and sealed with custom
“CALAS Vertigo


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Generative winds from highlands blowing hard onto the coding flags by . Lucky to have picked mine before the storm!

Signed and sealed with custom


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Witness code expression, equal in pure authenticity and awkwardness. Moreover, plays here with a musical inspiration. Find it and listen 😉

Signed and sealed with lovely
“Forever Dolphin Love


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Zen //or//

Each time I look, this codeabyss draws me in deeper and deeper, inviting for a meditative sitting... Constructed (likely in darkness) by 🌑.

Signed and sealed with matching

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Zen ⛩

As I was immersing into ’s whirpool, my mind expanded along waves. I felt present throughout the entire body of artwork.

Sealed and signed with matching

How deep can you appreciate your collection?

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One hour to relaunch, I am just appreciating full moon blossoms by - a beautiful addon to “Flores Del Mal” in my collection. Thank you!

Sealed and signed with matching
“Nuit Tranquille

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4. I revel in dialogue and fusion. Seeking for creative interaction with fellow artists - codesmiths and programming poets has been immensely enriching for me. Signing and sharing art in is a way to to pay respect to these artists.

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Many of you are curious of my unusual collection, precisely adding seals and signature

So, why do I do that?

1. First of all - I really like the artworks I collect. They inspire me and always broaden my visual aesthetics.


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I’ve been yearning for an endless organic after “Hapna”. “Organicon” is basically a guided meditation by ’s algorithm.

Sealed and signed with matching

“Organicon Variation I

4 13

It felt good and fulfilling to see a minimalistic narration appearing beside the visualized code. Thanks to the artist!

“Catching the wind // Flos

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or should I just switch to

Minimalism somehow goes in pair with positive attitude and so I felt signing these two beauties by

Love how well the matched with both images.

“Opening for the sun // Flos

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Yes I spent too much time on these edits but it was worth it for them

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No this isn't an excuse that's hiding the fact that I can only draw girls, and yes maybe I am thinking of drawing the same thing again,, but uhhh,,,, gorls🐀💕

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