Here's another Geonoid design of mine, and a little info about Geonoid design philosophy!

Geonoids often take inspiration from folklore and various historic cultures from all over our very own Earth. Rexteel here for example is inspired by the sculptural style of Aztec statues.

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Garkoil are Vinoran Geonoids that are well known for being village protectors. They are one of the few Geonoids not found in the wild as they make their home in Vinoran villages, acting as guards that ward off evildoers.

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For those of you who haven't seen them, here are all of my Geonoids for the Geonoids Living Card Game put together side by side.

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Lindvil are Vinoran Geonoids. Covered in steel plating, they can smash their enemies with their anvil shaped heads, as well as spit out metallic explosives that are akin to bombs. Their lairs are often littered with this material, making it a minefield to walk through.

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Vulkannon are Vikarian Geonoids, powerful sentinels of fire that blast their enemies with molten mortar shells from their cannon like arms. Oddly enough, large numbers of them can be found guarding a lone monolith in the northern regions of Vikaria.

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Skorclops use the bones of other Geonoids to create armour to protect themselves. They pretend to be piles of bones to unsuspecting prey before launching out with their bone clad claws.

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