inspired by a mishap when said ‘streamer gerlion porn?’ when I said ‘shameless gerlion porn’ and I’ve never drawn something faster in my life

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redraw of one of my first gerlion posts I ever made!

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fanart of ’s book!gerlion fic on tumblr “Frayed”! An absolutely hot read ☺️ had lots of fun drawing this!

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My friend gave me some cards/designs of the Dandelion journey… we have here!! And the Succubus from tw2!! Let’s say THANK YOU Gwent!!!

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Ну что там по чаю? может ромашковый ?🥰
фанфик просто пропитан атмосферой ламповости, это так здорово. Читаешь и отдыхаешь одновременно☺️

1 25

Recently I decided to redesign my cheshire tigerlion OCs appearances, as well to finally introduce Ava here! 👀

Species design belongs to me.

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Участь всех моих любимых отп стать - "хтоническая ебака и её любимый муж"

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Если ты в пекло, я - за тобой!
🎶 Би-2 -Пекло

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