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23.4. in Dortmund 🥰
Seid ihr auch mit mir dabei!!??💜
Würde mich mega freuen !!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
#gervruber #streamingde #Twitchde #GermanComicCon
Evil is evil. Lesser. Greater. Middling. It's all the same.
#geraltofrivia #thewitchernetflix #TheWitcher #netflix #witchercosplay #TheWhiteWolf #cosplay #cosplayer #TheWitchercosplay #con #comiccon #germancomiccon #comiccongermany
Ahh I’m so nervous and excited. Tomorrow I’m going to my first convention as an artist. I already saw some of the other artists works and they are so amazing!!!
#germancomiccon #gccdortmund #artistalley
Day 2 of #DigiKomi , gosh I miss that convention, I just miss all conventions right now T_T, hopefully next year we will be back ! =D
you can find all my cute merchandise in my etsy store.
#convention #dokomi #germancomiccon #comiccon
Realized that I had not done any feedback on my favorite part of the weekend I have spent at #germancomiccon #Dortmund in december
#AnnabethGish #MitchPileggi #TheXFiles #StargateAtlantis #TheHauntingofHillHouse #actors #autographs #portrait #sketch #doodle #graphite #art #fanart
Lots of love from your loyal fan ❤
#Drawingoftheday #GwendolineChristie #BrienneofTarth #CaptainPhasma #GameofThrones #GOT #StarWars #rolemodel #inspiration #strongwoman #fashion #fashionicon #GermanComicCon #GCC @GermanComicCon #Dortmund #epic #WaterColor #IndianInk #portrait