Oh!! I have a proper ridiculous joke for today. This is courtesy of Mark’s army buddy during gaming last night.

Are you ready?


Why are there no painkillers in the jungle?
The parrots ate them all.
Gettit? GETIT?!
*snort laughs*
*whispers* ‘paracetamol’

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This is me but not actually me i mean one draw is me the other one is what i wish i was ugetit?

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i had way too much fun doin this lil ref sheet for of her SPUNKY LIL UNDED ERMINE. whom I'm recruiting for my unded army so no u guys can't have her, she's mine. ermine.

getit? shh.

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A (relatively) quick portrait of my avatar Suno (Snow) (getit?hhehehehehe)

the eyes stare into your soul...

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that's my wife?? BigMcHugeTit???

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