And we have amazing art from (who plays Tad) and (who plays Jian)!!

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5 days left until Slam Vanners ep 1

Vivian the Wronged played by is a kickass monster hunter out for revenge against the creature who took her loved one from her. Do you need a blade? A gun? Stake? She's got you covered.

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6 days left until Slam Vanners ep 1!

Erica the Flake played by investigates conspiracies and paranormal phenomena in order to provide for their many, many cats, and runs a support group for those affected by the supernatural

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One week left until Slam Vanners ep 1: The Gobbling drops!

This is Tad, the Crooked played my me. Tad is totally just a normal college dropout with nothing shady going for them whatsoever.
They currently reside in their mom's basement while they figure stuff out

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OH LOOK AT THESE SWEET CHILDREN! , who plays Tad in the Slam Vanners, made all our players icons for their characters! Thank you Mandi!!

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