"Fish-Eyes RPG Mock-Up"

My little Ghostasaurus I did a while back was feeling a bit lonely so I made him a friend! Super proud of the end results, especially how I was able to translate her design in such little sprite.

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Haven't drawn my girl in quite a while so decided to get around that already!

I'll say I'm WOW'd by how much of a glow her design has taken, she looks frickin' beautiful ; w ;;

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"Misfortunate Valentine's Target"

It truly got his heart racing.

Happy almost Valentine's Day, everybody 😊👌!! Don't forget to write down your Valentine's threats for that special one in mind, state your dominance!!

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"A Rest from the Chase."

It can be a little tiring to keep up with their usual number, so when they need a time out they don't mind sharing one since they're always around the other afterall.

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