Watchmen by Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons, and John Higgins

My review here:

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Mark Gibbons Green Knight, which GW showcased on their 40th anniversary.

Mark Gibbons' website:

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⚒️  Anglo-Dutch sculptor and woodcarver, was 4 April 1648.

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ill show u mine if u show me urs💥

This is Mèng Yáo aka everyones meemaw (third pic done by @/kiirurri 💕) - she’s my version of the gibbon from JTTW and shes in charge of peoples dreams acting as a guide for them✨

thing is, no one seems to recall if she exists or not👀

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Mark Gibbons shared his awesome terminator artwork on FB, and I gotta say this is peak Warhammer art.

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Aright here’s a proper posting of the jackpot from last night’s character Q&A. Pictures from Gibbon’s Wallet featuring his beautiful family!
(I plan doing on this type of thing for all my OCs Q&As, some generic reaction sketches and big art jackpot )

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heres my monkey boy gibbon
he's very polite

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avanza la semana y nosotros con ella. Pero hagáis lo que hagáis, jugad limpio, SIEMPRE.
art by Dave Gibbons

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monke human :3

— Doctor Fujing, aka the descendant of the Gibbon Stone Monkey. He is just a silly guy who can shapeshfit to monke. Has a tail because he is a mixed species :D

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meemaw space gibbon came all the way from across the galaxy to pat u on the head and hand u a piece of hard caramel candy

She hasn’t gotten a name yet so im open to ideas✨

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One and a half hour countdown to operation Gibbon drop. Get your ends together folks.

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Why play as a human or elf or dwarf when there are orcs and bugbears?

Gyll the Druid and Gibbon the Thief

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I found this gibbon drawing from 2020 in my archives and I still kinda like

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Gibbon - Orangutan - Baseball; Skunk ape

Strikon- Fighting
Swingirth - Fighting
Strikon (Uldimian Form) - Poison
Grimate - Poison/Dark

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I’m streaming tonight at 5:00pm cst

Gonna release some important announcements later today too in regards to streams, debut, and more

art: @/Ritzygibbon

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very infrequently on my instagram @ gibbongoop

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Ahhh, I'm so fucked up, but I quickly sketching my version Gibbon's on my phone, probably some users have already written a bio on them, so you shouldn't repeat me the same thing x))) so, yeah…

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new monkey He looks strong on the outside, but he's a soft monkey on the inside.

The monkey species is White Handed Gibbon.

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