Las hadas mas uwus con gigamax y , y yo como la poke comida todos chikitos todos bonitos

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Interesting... according to these old texts there was a "Super Butterfree" i wonder if actually its gigamax or a new megaevolution made for this game since when looking for 超级 i was going to Mega evolution.

below is the actual string if someone wants to translate it better

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: Artwork spécial pour le retour de Tarak et Dracaufeu (Gigamax) !

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Ok . . . ahora tocaría hacer las formas alternaticas
empiezo con mi favorita, Los Gigamax ( son solo 2) en este caso, el gigamax se activa con un licor especial
Grimsnarl le puso proteinas)
Duraludon (que le puso alcohol . . . si)

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Gigamax Gallade (Pokemon Fanmade)

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New character design commission cx! Part 2! Another drawing i did during the designing of gigamax cinderace OC this time focusing in the fluffy face😊❤️

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New character design commission cx! PART 1! wanted me to design this adorable and cool gigamax cinderace OC cx! it was SOO AMAZING TO DESIGN😊

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LA ULTIMA!!!! (me canse de usar el traductor)
muchas gracias por apoyar esta cosa que hice estando aburrido, cuando este libre hare las formas alternas, tanto megas, paradoja y Gigamax

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Trainer vs Pokemon


I got into Pokemon super late but I’ve always had an affinity for cute things and colors. Next to Litten, Alcremie is at the top for me and the Gigamax form is ADORABLE.

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Something similar happened with chewtle in gen 8.
Big waste of opportunity to make a badass looking Gamera Pokémon.
Two years ago i made my first ever (and last) fakemon "Dredjaw", wich Is basically adapting the gigamax design to be a second phase Pokémon.

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5- Mega Evolución favorita: Gardevoir shiny 💖
Dynamax favorita: ninguna en particular
Gigamax favorita: Eevee 💖

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5- the mega's goes to Lopunny and not dinamax but my fav gigamax is Cinderace

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💜5. Mega evolución/Gigantamax favorita💜

—Mega-Mewtwo Y
Me tuvo obsesionada desde que salió su diseño, sin saber siquiera qué era exactamente.

—Toxtricity Gigamax
AMO a Toxtricity, en todas sus formas, colores y tamaños.

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5. Fave Mega/Dyna/Giga

mega gardevoir - shiny is 😳
dynamax quagsire - BIG BABY CLAP
gigamax snorlax/gengar - i mean cmon fave pokemon

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Some more new Pokémon fan art: Toxtricity Gigamax by, and Lechonk by

From our gallery (we might need a Pokémon sub-section now!)

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❤️ ♻️


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11- Gigamax favorito
No soy muy fan de los gigamax la verdad, es de las mécanicas que menos me gustan así queeee elijo a Pikachu gordo porque es grande y gordo y lo quiero mucho

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Se añaden los siguientes compis:

🔸️Victor y Rillaboom Gigamax (planta, ataque físico)
🔸️Mel y Lapras Gigamax (hielo, apoyo)
🔸️Morris y Coalossal Gigamax (roca, sabotaje)
🔸️Blasco y Mega-Gardevoir✨ (hada, sabotaje)


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