Gilkidu (late) day 7 : Family
Thank you for this week.
Happy gilkidu !

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GilKidu Week Day 5: School

AU where Gil is the principal of a boujee high school and secretly is into the janitor lol

Btw I’m gonna be behind a few days with this cuz I’ve got sucked back into Animal Crossing 😂

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GilKidu Week Day 4: Fantasy

This was the perfect excuse to draw a mermaid haha

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day 4
Fantasy AU

me : omg wat about a cultivator au with Gil as the peak leader, Enkidu as that rogue human?demon?cultivator?beast?, and make his babylonia servant as peak lord.

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Also have a smoll headcanon of mine : Gil keeping Enkidu in check because they will run around haywire otherwise.

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GilKidu Week Day 3: Summer

I kinda like how this turned out! I’ll probably re color it nicer in the near future!

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GilKidu Week Day 2: Police

Ozy ordered Gil a stripper for his birthday 😂

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So I found out about Gilkidu week an hour ago, and then I spent the next hour drawing this.
Day 1: Soulmates
Quietly drawing stuff for that Soulmate AU fic I wrote ages ago

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Didn’t prepare much for this but I really wanted to participate cuz I love GilKidu so much! 😩

Day 1: Soulmates
Modern AU where Gil is trying hard to get at Artoria, but little does he know, his true soul mate is closer than he thinks ❤️

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