Reminder that Gilliam and Garcia are the reason love exists and no one can tell me otherwise

9 34

End homophobia by voting for Gilliam and Garcia for

14 48

6th times the charm!! They’ll get in this year. Surely. Right?

Anyways is now LIVE so this account is coming right back to promote voting for these two lovely lads, Gilliam and Garcia



2 8

Gimme Ninja Franz! He can be dressed as a bush with Gilliam as a rock.

1 4

Gilliam will have one of two fates and nothing in between.

A. He's the new meta. Save skill, OP Fighter skill, amazing prf.

B. He's demote/auto-demote. Barely different from Benny.

1 10

For the evening crowd: Day Earl Sinclair and B.P. Richfield in Terry Gilliam's BRAZIL. Mixed media on 8.5 X 11" bristol board.

18 141

31 days of Day Earl Sinclair and B.P. Richfield in Terry Gilliam's BRAZIL. Mixed media on 8.5 X 11" bristol board.

58 301