A little something of Alex from 😳😳

59 294

When you hit that special interest button, he won't stop...!

70 300

Dusk Hound? More like Dusk Hunk!

From zero to hero here's some Hercules inspired Alex sketches!

228 863

Wholesome Raoul and Milo doodles inspired by the nice comments they get on the Echo Project Discord. Love you guys!

395 1640

After seeing everyone's OCs I wanted to post mine as well. Check out Ember Tail and a waaaay earlier concept of him I made when the Glory Hounds was first announced. Wish I had time to make a new drawing of him but the school is kicking my butt rn. 😅

10 24

"You could poke somebody's eye out with those things"

As a little thank you to the Glory Hounds discord, for supporting our team, and sharing their enthusiasm I wanted to draw a little thing, or to be precise, two big things?

64 227

POV: Alex and his boyfriends got caught by heavy rain while going to his apartment and they're staying there until their clothes dry

Brought to you by

37 125

My final art piece of 2021. The most influential character to me.

One of the main reasons why im making my vn, the main reason why it has bugs, the main reason why my protagonist is a butterfly.

Max from the upcoming

12 32

A commission I did to my bestie for Lou, a character from Lou just seems so poggers we love to see it

7 24

Boutta harpoon me a mans

(Another fanart of

208 805

Alex doesn't know much about prog-rock

135 542

Happy Pride month! Here's Lou (Sphinx Cat) and Willem (Welsummer Rooster) sprites for 's Glory Hounds (+18), written by

Details in replies!

68 255

New Glory Hounds Teaser featuring Raoul and Milo! It was originally an October preview but some stuff got me really busy! An upcoming project from

127 604