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ツメタイト Glossaphire
軟体動物門 腹足綱 タマキビガイ目 タマガイ科
ランク:D 属性:地⛰水💧光✴️

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The Skill Glossary PDF has been added to my Ko-Fi and is available for download for FREE!

With this, v.1.0.1 is officially playable offline and online!

Thank you so much for the recent support and feedback!

More updates soon.

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Glossario the Kentrosaurus
Taeros the Pteranodon
Spire the Triceratops
Frenzy the Dracorex (and Sober the Chasmosaurus)

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Birthday gift for of his OC Glossa. Happy birthday man! ❤️🧡

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Glossa-in-Gena is juicy 🫐🍉🍋

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Fair winter friends

Ft. Glossa and Woolia

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Yesterday I managed to add 4 great artists to my collection.🔷
DYOR: Crypto Glossary
Duality of Nature
Safe House

4 29

Brigit/Brigid/Bríg "exalted one" are 3 Irish goddesses! 9th C Cormac's Glossary written by monks, says Brigid was "the goddess whom poets adored" & that she had 2 Brigid the healer & Brigid the smith. Some say they were syncretised with St Brigid! 🎨?

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The fourth Eeveeltion as a sea slug - Flareon!

Flareon is a Cyerce - a type of photosynthetic Sacoglossan. Their petal-like cerata remind me of flames, so I designed this one to reflect that

Cyerce flareons

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Big News


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Wow, you are actually PLAYING

FYI next week we will be releasing a new patch with
- Scouting design revamp
- Glossary (beta) to shed some light on more obscure mechanics
- A new ambition/victory condition
- A huge questline
- & fixes

Conquer the wasteland📜⚔️💀

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Aura, Sabra, and Glossa 💙💙

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🐝 COMEÇANDO a serie de ilustras sobre abelhas com a n1° em cores! Aqui apresento a vocês uma abelha INCRÍVEL e bem diferente: Euglossa sp., conhecida também como Abelha-de-orquídea. Olha só para essas cores metálicas! E sim, elas coletam o nectar de orquídeas. +[1/2]

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The dream was never the white picket fence, it was the red vinyl decor. Marguerita had to fight so many societal stigmas she had to grow horns, but in the COG glossary 2 horns symbolize a shared purpose meaning she had help fulfilling not only hers, but someone else's dream too❣️

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The word witch dates from around 800 AD. It referred to men who practised witchcraft, but 200 years later it referred to female magicians and sorceresses. Later it meant women who cooperated with the devil
Source: A Glossary of Witch Words https://t.co/Te05z7g6YG

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ヒューイット、シャーロットと偶然花ジャケの紹介が続きましたが、花ジャケと言えばGlossa Cabinet。美麗なものから、生々しいものや少し面妖な雰囲気のものまで、様々な花や動物、虫などがデザインされています。


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Cool paper using a network analysis to study Diglossa-plant interactions just came to my attention 😍 https://t.co/oSGYYSzzaV

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