Starting the new year directly with a meme.
Can't believe I haven't seen this with GoldenBridges before. Also hello, I'm new to the fandom, desperately looking for mutuals👋

30 222

уже ваще не понимаю что такое цвет и палитра и как это выбирать..

16 72

шел хиггс, упал в смоляную яму и говорит: блин теперь я выгляжу как свинья, а сэм ему отвечает: ага, еще и в смоле извозился

24 86

When you, a porter, get a surprise visit at work from your boyfriend, who is also a porter

1 20

life is such a wonderful waste of time
i wanna spend it with you

2 19

i want to reconcile the violence in your heart
i want to recognize your beauty’s not just a mask

3 16

and his fingers will touch the empty space
and the starlight will shine behind his face

and his two arms will hold the life i
but his blue eyes will nullify the cost

4 19

Sail to me
Sail to me
Let me enfold you ✨


2 10

Higgs loves to mark and scratch Sam and you can't convince me otherwise.

8 19

"Do you know why the flowers never bloom?
Will you retry or let the pain resume?
I need a new leader, we need a new Luden..."

31 192