Good quacking morning Ducks 🦆

Look at this beauty that got picked up this morning by a GoldenDuck collector😍

Lets see yours👇🏽and if you dont have a duck yet go grab one while you still can 👉🏽

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In true ducking spirit this beauty got added to the golden pond 😍 and was gifted by non other than ❤️ appreciate you duck 🙏🏽

Go grab your duck 👉🏽

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Gold + Gold + Gold some more Gold & add some Gold on top⁉️ That's the ⁉️

Precious, precious ⁉️ This is my precious 🪙

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The golden ducks dont hang around for long when listed and rarely does one get listed!

Just look at these two beauty’s that got swooped recently 🤯

Be sure to follow and lets see your Golden Ducks ⁉️ 👇🏽

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Just look at these gold ducks that have been purchased lately! You lucky motherquackers 😍

Be sure to follow and lets see your Golden Ducks ⁉️ 👇🏽

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The has begun🐥

Be sure to follow and lets see your Golden Ducks ⁉️ 👇🏽

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