Toast is a butterfly-like granimite. While not very skilled at living on his own, Toast has high hopes of going on quests and daring adventures someday. Besides being pretty good in a fight however, he hasn't done much in working towards that goal.

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If you live in Granimate and you've been on their online video-sharing service "GranTube," then chances are you've heard of Cole and his popular channel Crash Handler, where he tries to uncover every hidden secret about video games.

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Bruster's a hardworking and humble-minded janitor. With Florence, Sam, and Markie going on adventures within the city almost every day, it's Bruster's responsibility to clean up the aftermath of them.

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Halucy is a spirit-like granimite who many haven't met in person, since she sleeps during the day. She has the power to enter people's dreams while they sleep and interact within them.

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One of Mister Lug's prominent staff members, Margarine's the head chef of the Inn-Animate Complex. With her six arms, running a busy kitchen is easier than you think.

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In the bustling city of Granimate, many Granimites reside in the "Inn-animate" Apartment complex, run by the short-tempered landlord: Mister Lug.

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Aura (like normal dry ice) should be approached with caution. She can turn any room into an indoor blizzard. If that doesn't send chills down your spine, her cold-hearted personality definitely will.

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While everyone plays Poker, Chess, and Yahtzee, Mac Gambon always prefers a more strategic game. He swears on his four hands that he'll always play fair and square.

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Mr. Ronello “Big Cheese” is the main antagonist in Granimate. An investor who gets his plans from entrepreneurs. While most of his schemes are more or less petty grudges, that doesn't stop Florence's obsessive sense in justice from trying to foil them.

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Bertram is an Ultimite of bootlegs. He has the ability to shapeshift into anyone, and unlike Newaar isn't limited by a set of rules. However his impersonating skills... could use some work...

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With all the stress, anxiety, and uncertainty in the world, Mellia just wants you to feel calm and collected. She loves inviting people for a relaxing stroll around gardens.

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Gunter is a tool gun from Gmod. Likely off to direct an animation, hunt some props, or build a terrible abomination.

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Detective Newaar is on the case. This Granimite has the ability to shapeshift into anyone he's seen in the last 24 hours.

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Do not be deceived by his adorable looking followers. Wilbur is a fierce necromancer with powerful magic. The ghost peppers are at Wilbur's command until they've paid off their unfinished business.

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Misty is a cloud of water droplets whose intolerable to warmth and therefore has to stay around cold and dark areas. People are often scared away by her ghost like appearance.

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