🌹1/12 インテ大阪 4号館「ね33b」

おしながきと尾猫ず漫画サンプルです!!新刊は尾猫ず+杉の無配ペーパーです!#SGORALLY2025 も参加してます!

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にも参加してます!お年賀sgoシールご自由にどうぞ〜!かかをさん( )ときりんさん( )もいるよ〜✨お二人のシールもあるよ〜✨華やか☺️✨遊びに来てください!!

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4号館ね33a 「マフユエンズ」にてスペ頂きました。





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Mountain Goat

Mountain goats can be found mostly around the mountainous ranges of North America. Despite their name, mountain goats are not actually part of the goat genus. They are instead more related to serows and gorals.

12 29

Don't Forget, this is a Sonic Adventure too!

Fiz esse desenho já faz um tempinho pra testar uma maneira nova de sombrear com meu mano (@/YamiGuto), achamos duas maneiras, então eu fiz de um jeito e ele de outro, no fim eu gostei do resultado e resolvi postar agoralol

1 2

Splash rewind: Blender 2.44 - by Andreas Goralcyk . Reimagine it for the with and to win a trip to Amsterdam! https://t.co/Op2YfYJuXj

3 44

a thread of what animal (excluding goat because too easy) the ottrani remind me the most of 🐐
starting with illi which reminds me of a himalayan goral because of the lines and adorable lil horns c:

2 25

Would you also like the Himalayan heatwave cut from Goral and Sons Hairdressers? Cartoon from my column with .

8 27

Collect 5 pieces in AlgoraLands and get one more free!
The next drop's water source. Coming up this week.

At the end only 5 indigenous lands for 5 collectors!

3 starter lands still available

7 10

Des écrits courts faciles à mettre en place en classe : https://t.co/pYnaQ8uWfc : tautogrammes, lipogrammes, anagrammes, pangrammes, Logorallye, boite à écrire... du CE2 au CM2

6 13

Mountain Goat

Mountain goats can be found mostly around the mountainous ranges of North America. Despite their name, mountain goats are not actually part of the goat genus. They are instead more related to serows and gorals.

4 21

Day 9 - "bad time to be a bronco's fan"

And so Gorallath the Sports Devourer consumes the last planet where sports are celebrated.
(I don't know what a Bronco's is)

1 10

Kieran’s little hair poof is a part the tiniest little crest of hair that runs down her neck. I love how fluffy gorals are and based it off of their little head floofs.

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