🌟Exhibition announcement
[Gister Central Exhibition]

9.26 (Tuesday) - 10.9 (Monday holiday)
I am participating in an exhibition at the gallery in Central Park, an underground mall in Sakae, Nagoya, Aichi. If you are in the area, please visit us!

Store→ https://t.co/mGKat7isjZ

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Francisco Goya,
Truth Rescued by Time, Witnessed by History.

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Releitura da gravura 43 da série Los Caprichos, de Francisco Goya, intitulada "El Sueño de la Razón Produce Monstros (1799)".

Segundo Goya:
"Imaginação abandonada pela Razão produz monstros impossíveis; unida a ela, é a mãe de todas as artes e fonte de suas maravilhas"

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Natalie Tetsugoya, OC and Commissions by

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Maja vestida e Maja desnuda di Francisco Goya, 1800 circa.


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Yes, most def..here's my baby🖤🩶🖤🩶 his name is Luis Francisco Gonzales a.k.a. Goya, and i spent at least 8 yrs of character design on him. I was MADLY in-love i tell ya, and shipped myself with him countless times.
(his design needs revival tho)

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1/5 Locked away in a daeva palace is Bulbulgoya, a bulbul (a type of bird like a nightingale) rumored to have the ability to enchant through birdsong. In the Uyghur folk tale, Bulbulgoya is introduced through a dying padishah’s visions.

Art and story cred: Dilnaz Hasim

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Kurenai near the Yamazaki River, Nagoya, Japan. One of the images for the by


{no touch ups}

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Kurenai near the Yamazaki River, Nagoya, Japan. One of the images for the by

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His first sale wasn't until 1976. His path to becoming established was not easy and filled with hard work, determination and grit. He was inspired by works from Goya, Rembrandt, and Soutine.

He started gaining traction in the art world and started to establish collectors

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『RRR』、IMAXレーザーで観ます。 (@ 109シネマズ 名古屋 in Nagoya, 愛知県) https://t.co/o1af2eKeko

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CLOSING SOON: 'Goya. Yo lo vi – Ich sah es – I saw it' at Sammlung Scharf-Gerstenberg, Berlin (until 16 November 2022), featuring over three dozen Goya prints and his 4 print cycles.
Below: Francisco de Goya, 'Yo lo vi (I saw it)', 1799, etching

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Let's see how many ppl care bout my non-Eva and more original shit..
This is my Goya, designed 16 yrs ago. It's an old lineart from 2013 that i recently coloured

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Un temps à Fussli ? Comme ils l'ont fait avec Gallen-Kelela, offre un beau florilège du peintre et de ses obsessions entre Goya, contes scandinaves et Blake), avec même quelques grands formats

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🧵HILO de Looks de la GALA 1 🧵

Category is... "Art Imitates Life". 👠


Cuadro elegido: "La Maja Desnuda/La Maja Vestida" (Francisco de Goya, 1800/1805)

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Le a reçu plusieurs œuvres de la famille au cours des ans (La Piedad de Morales, le portrait de Martín Zapater peint par Goya, la comtesse Mathieu de Noailles de Zuloaga, El timonel de Quintín de Torre,.) et prépare une exposition sur la collection (via )

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I recommend it because you have to buy twice, and Nagoya, well, Nagoya is kind of a rare place where various dreamy days are autumn.

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My oc's Corey and Goya, drawing's from 2012/2013 ^^ a little throwback art!

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