Graggle simpson tomou rework e eu n to sabendo?

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I’m losing my fucking mind over this character who looks super imposed into the old sonic comics

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DEATH BATTLE Inside Arnold, On Turbulence! Strong Bad VS Graggle Simpson

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Character Tier List!
S: Shark
A: Shiraishi An
B: Cera
C: Graggle Simpson

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I'm still pretty sure there's going to be a parody of/reference to the Graggle Simpson meme at some point this season. Wouldn't be the first time the show referenced a meme they spawned...

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This is the Graggle Simpson of Pokemon you can not convince me this was a real Pokemon this Pokemon got invented last week

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If you were on a school bus, Who would you sit by? Aloysius O'Hare, Yoshi or Graggle Simpson?

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Tarde, pero ise u dibujo de este personaje graggle

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as graggle simpson once said

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Graggle Simpson, as The Loud House character visits Royal Woods!. It's Gragg-loudin' time!.

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Sparky the dog is planned I'm just deciding what to make him look like since there's barely anything on him

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Guys, I found Graggle in The Sicksons

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A little late to the trend, but I really like this fella. Say hello to Graggle Simpson

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¡Hola!. Hay un personaje de Los Simpson que nunca existió en la serie pero que muchos supuestamente recuerdan haberlo visto en varios episodios de la serie (Efecto Mandela). Se trata de Graggle Simpson, un personaje raro creado por un usuario japonés de 2channel.

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