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Congrats Robin for ending up 1rst on Choose Your Legends this year!!✨

Here's a quick Grandmaster Robin piece! Feel free to use it as phone wallpaper/lockscreen <3

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The Ancient Grandmasters of Antique Magic, an alien death cult trying to resurrect their alien gods through gruesome sacrifices and debilitating curses. There are more members but the main ones consist of Cynthia the Vicious, Malucard the Wicked and Ramona the Unholy.

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7. Caveat: I'm a fan of all three of her works, but MDZS/The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation is by far my most fave, I'm a huge Lan Wangji stan. He's the gong (top, in white/blue) in MDZS, the ship name is WangXian, the shu (bottom, in black/red) is Wei Wuxian.

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It’s finally done,, happy late Lunar New Year and a happy late birthday to the esteemed Hanguang Jun!

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Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation 😁😊
And I just devoured "Gideon, the Ninth", on the edge of my seat most of the time.

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The Yiling Patriarch is here! So gorgeous. I love the light and dark contrast with him next to Xie Lian ❤️
Thanks !

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Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo DAO Zu Shi (Novel) Vol. 4 de R$108,92 por R$81,69!

Use o cupom IMP25

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Heaven Official's Blessing: Tian Guan CI Fu (Novel) Vol. 5 de R$108,41 por R$81,30
Heaven Official's Blessing: Tian Guan CI Fu (Novel) Vol. 3 de R$105,55 por R$79,16
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo DAO Zu Shi (Novel) Vol. 4 de R$108,92 por R$81,69!

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💗 Facebook ➡️ masterlianning

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HIM! Nobody even comes close! NOBODY!
He's a grandmaster!

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Raffle prizes for BeastGabi, StarShiney-Chan, GrandMasterMuffins

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