When you hold hands with your Butler in secret!

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Thank you so much for commissioning me again! You are such a wonderful friend and I love drawing all the time!!! 😍😍😍😍 these two are my comfort ship

When Mark tries to seduce his Butler in the most obvious way!

My Butler AU

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Working on a bit of my comfort ship!

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That moment when you're having a secret relationship with your Butler 👀♥️

Based on my Butlet AU. Thank you for commissioning me! 🥺👉👈❤

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I have a Vampire AU in the works 👀❤

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A Halloween themed Gravesbeaks piece for ! <3 Thank you so much for comming me! >w<

This was genuinely one of my fave pieces of them Ive drawn so far. Cant go wrong with some good glow >:)

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a commission I did for to celebrate the 4th anniversary of both Mark Beaks and Falcon Graves’ introduction into Ducktales!

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a chibi commission of for !! thank you so much 🥺💖💖

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A commission for !!! She wanted some cute Gravesbeaks Family! WHICH THIS FAMILY IS VALID AF!

I love that Boyd is just done with his parents 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Loved this piece to BITS!

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This week's rewind is in honor of 's Chapter art from Trials of Graves-Beaks that I wrote for her last year. You can see it all on my website at https://t.co/a7ufpKG4bY

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TW Blood, implied violence.



Mark Beaks is in shock, all he can do is prioritize his really expensive shirt😢 Falcon Graves will prioritize his life at least👏

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Clingy parrot Mark Beaks ignores half of his gigantic bed in favor of cuddling and pushing Falcon Graves onto the floor😆

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More Gravesbeaks family wholesomeness! Boyd is charged by electricity.. and HUGS💖

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Fuck it!

A Bulter and Vampire AU I've created 😤

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Medieval au! Snake oil salesman/Bard Markus Beakus and distant battle warn rouge for hire Falcon Graves.

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Some mother fuckin Gravesbeaks. Hittin that Vampire AU hahahaha!!

The coloring sucks leave me alone HAHAHAHA!

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Follow up to the other Insta post. Mark Beaks sleeps through his selfi alarm, Falcon Graves finds him too cute to disturb and takes the selfi in his steed

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