After getting (few) Likes/❤️s/⭐️s on requesting me to draw Hank Anderson in the style of Shunsuke Saito() via basing on Bulbosa as template, here's my take on Connor's scruffy cop dad. Enjoy :D

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Advanced apologies to for copying his artstyle just to see what happens if Connor ends up in Heskeville/Jirga Para Lhao.

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Forest Goddess (a.k.a Twin Peaks/Deadly Premonition AU where Syd gets weird dreams while solving bizarre cases around the World Pillar)

Listen to this song for max effect: {}
[Based on:]

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My of Jazz Singer Kat

Mostly inspired by someone's LP of Deadly Premonition/Red Seeds Profile + watching a certain cut scene of a lady in red singing made me want to do this


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