Shitposting at greeks

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LGBTQ+ themes in Echo and Narcissus? 🏳️‍🌈 Let's take a look:
Narcissus’s beauty attracts the attention of men, women, mortals and gods. Ancient Greeks were comfortable with the idea of sexuality being fuelled by attraction and desire, not just by gender. 👉

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Did you know that the oak was considered a sacred tree throughout Europe, associated with the gods of thunder as the trees were often split by lightening. The oak was sacred to the ancient Greeks, the Norse & the Celts.🍃

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Greeks visited Egypt as students to learn from Africans.

Plato studied in Egypt for 13 years.

Pythagoras studied Philosophy, Geometry and Medicine in Egypt for 22 years.

Thales, the first Greek philosopher studied in Egypt.

Hippocrates studied Medicine in Egypt for 7 years.

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Good evening fam.
Oil painting dates back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Greeks, and became more widespread during the Renaissance. Today, it is a staple of the art world.
"Enigmatic Dreams"

OE 1 🪙


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“achilles wished all greeks would die, so that he and potraclus could conquer troy alone”

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To sleep is to come close to death, a truth acknowledged as far back as the Greeks: Hypnos is the brother of Thanatos, making Sleep and Death twins. Both dwell in the Underworld in dark, lightless locales, though Hypnos also has an island up top.

🖼️: HanoOide

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While the Greeks considered him a culture hero, the Romans found his actions deplorable and incompatible with their values, earning him the epithet “cruel Odysseus”. The Romans considered themselves the descendants of Aeneas of Troy, a victim of Odysseus’ schemes.

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Poor greeks.

Ah, yeah, poor Gween, yeah, sure.

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hi it is genetic! most women of healthy weight carry fat there! Protects the uterus! A extra organ men don’t have! Women have always looked like this! The ancient Greeks found it beautiful. The renaissance painters found it beautiful. Humans 30,000 years ago found it beautiful.

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"a ghostly cypress-tree" a symbol of mourning for the Greeks and held sacred by Hades, definitely reminded me of Genshin's silver withered trees.

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The greeks would weep tears of joy if they’d been around to see what i made at 23 years old

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I agree. The Greeks were all about those long draping gowns. And with Apollo he'd still have a titty out. XD

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: Angie stared at the map which Leo had sent prior:
The Roman Empire at its Largest.
The Greeks, Egyptians, Celts, Spaniards. All Rome...
: drums fingertips against the map in her lap:

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舞台芸術学科2年生の授業発表公演『THE GREEKS』
が、1/21(土) 12:00、22(日) 12:30より京都芸術劇場 studio21にて公演🔥本作では、10本のギリシア悲劇を一つの長大な物語に再構成した舞台作品の中から、3編が上演されます!ぜひご覧ください😊ご予約はこちらから受付中です🙌

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I’m still waiting for my millions of rubles too. That Putin promised me if I voted leave he’d make me a millionaire. How could I not see through it and seen what a good lot they are in Brussels. I mean look at how good they were to Greeks

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Amazon series Orithyia and the Amazons invade Athens, but Antiope, now queen of Athens, fights alongside the Greeks. But she is accidently felled by a spear from Molpadia, who Theseus kills in revenge.

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