I'm sorry but....QUEEN🧎‍♂️#GreenzLB5

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We've seen Chiron in Apocrypha. It could have gone both ways in that Holy Grail war. Never ever underestimate Chiron and Achilles in their capabilities!

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*Jason taps on Masters shoulder*
"You know Master, I think our chances of winning have increased quite a bit"
*The sight of exploding ships and screams of terror of the helpless Guards filled the whole sea*
Jason thought to himself 'T-thank God, they are on our side'

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Kinky 👀

Jason bonked her on the head, funny enough. No horni allowed on the Argo lmao XD

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Oh shit it's Astraea. No, no need to worry. Demon King Nobunaga needs to get some steam and frustration off after Kirschtaria humiliated us like we were nothing previously. Next stop Astraea Island !

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In this Lostbelt the Greek Gods defeated Velber as it seems like even without Excalibur needed to be used. Holy fuck.

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Poor man. Even if she was just a series of units, it still hits hard

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Before Nanomachines vs After Nanomachines

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