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Maulmon (by El_poyomon on Instagram) & Banchogrizzlymon (by zemechiel on Instagram)
Ultimate and mega for my partner Bearmon.

17 73

While I figure out BrawlGrizzlymon's clothing, I put him in some shorts for now...

19 47

Survive-style chibi of 's BersekGrizzlymon!

39 94

While modeling the winners of the last vote, and as I have learned to appreciate these digimon designs more, now they are one of my favs!

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someone asked for bearmon which reminded me of my oc Koharu i had when i was a kid who got lost in the digiworld for years and her partner was grizzlymon she rode on top of everywhere

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Os presento a el premio del torneo organizado por .

Nivel: Perfecto
Atributo: Vacuna
Familias: Espíritus de la Naturaleza, Cazadores de Virus

Técnicas: Flameclaw

Evoluciona de: Grizzlymon
Evoluciona a: Marsmon (Canon), Callismon, Vikemon. https://t.co/OaPn9pBLJ9

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Today’s bear is Grizzlymon from Digimon!

7 48

Today's bear of the day is Bearmon and his evolution Grizzlymon from Digimon!

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Grizzlymon (Lucca's Grizzlymon )
Level : Adult
Type : Beast
Atribute : Virus
Field : Nature Spirits
Min Weight : 30G

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Volviendo por último año a Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01, Callismon es una forma evolucionada artificialmente de Grizzlymon gracias al poder de Arkadimon 🐻‍❄️

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Nivel: Adulto
Tipo: Bestia
Atributo: Vacuna
Familia: Espíritus De La Naturaleza
Ataques: Atemigaeshi, Amanecer Creciente
Debut: Capítulo 56

ha roleado este personaje. ^^

2 13

Now that Bearmon and is champion stage (Grizzlymon) have finaly return, thanks to Digimon ReArise i hope they get proper Ultimate and Mega levels. I mean is cool to see Bearmon becoming BanchoLeomon but is since Digimon World 3 that i want a proper evolution line for him.

1 7

En 15 minutos comenzamos el directo dando color y montando una nueva ilustración, esta vez, de Grizzlymon


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my new Digimon Oc! Her name is Marshal and shes not a digidestined so she doesnt have a digivice, but shes friends with a Grizzlymon!

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Últimamente no tuve mucha inspiración, igual acá dejo el prototipo de un Grizzlymon x.
En cambio a su forma normal, los guanteletes adquieren un diseño mas gruesos y cómodos.
Además de que gana físico y es capas de caminar en 2 patas.

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