Good morning I’ve got a few grumpsters in my shop that need adopting, these make great desk or car dashboard mascots! They’re a bit cheeky though 💜

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Good evening I’ve got these little ones left on my shelf if you want a little mascot. These small ones are perfect for your car dashboard or your shelves!

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Ok here’s another one.. I wasn’t going to list her but I’ve decided she needs a home too, little miss diva grumpster! Just look at that red hair ❤️

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Evil Mon is ever the grumpster, even in old age.

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beat me to it 😡 but my two babies are parker and rubye, she's just a shy lil bab and he's a grumpster always fussing over her

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Chewie a gwumpy grumpster🦍🌱

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New mascot logo Pre, social app for best friends. This cutie is all about it: friendly, simple, & inviting. Crew includes selfie queen, grumpster, and the flake

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My dog Dewey, the grumpster.

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