Soy la lider de la alianza OLIMPUS, en Me parece flipante que la gente salga de mi alianza cuando se enteran de mi genero o sexo 🤷🏻‍♀️
Una mujer también es capaz de llevar el liderazgo bien.
Mirad la reina Isabel de Inglaterra!!!
(2 huecos tenemos actualmente)

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I hope you like this of a with from My parents looked at me weird because they saw what I was drawing XD, I hope they don't think I'm a fury.
You can follow me on facebook as

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Android supremacy!

Finally well enough to draw again. Here's my of from the game

Anyone else play Guardian Tales? 🤔

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Another fiery lady to add to the resume! You can now hear me as Scintilla in I had a blast voicing this powerful fighter, I hope she serves you well on your team!

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