
In contrast to Gawain and Tristan, Gawain is one of the oldest members of the Round Table and appears in the earliest Welsh tales about Arthur under the name Gwalchmei. His character changes drastically over the centuries, from a perfect knight to kind of a buffoon.

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Gwalchmei Sulwyn ap Meredydd my beloved and your Assimilative Autochimeric Transformation bullshit which is slowly turning you into Arthurface Red Dragon man 💖


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Some exploratory warmup sketches of some good old chars of mine. Good ol' Gwalchmei

5 17

One of the great quests of the is the hunting of the - a wild boar with toxic bristles & shears, a comb & a razor on its head - involving the best of knights including & ....

0 3

One of the great quests of the is the hunting of the - a wild boar with toxic bristles & shears, a comb & a razor on its head - involving the best of knights including & ....

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