Hammerella books are scheduled to arrive in 3 weeks!

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In the world of GODS AND GEARS and HAMMERELLA, characters travel time and space, but to do so they must pass through THE BLENDING.

Think of it as a freeway system but the roads/exits are constantly changing.

One wrong turn can mean life or death.

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Aside from a few scheduled tweets I will be offline for the next 5 days. I am focusing on finish the letters for Hammerella in this time period.

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This was a fun one! I'm almost as big a of as I am of her !
I knew I wanted to on the
I was lucky enough that the super agreed to on this one
& ME

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Baby Hammerella title card.

I want the reader to hear the Loony Tunes song in their head when they see this.

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Hammerella is still in the lettering phase. This is a taste of the art style for the Baby Hammerella short story.

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All the Hammerella art is complete and the project is currently being lettered.

I can’t wait to get these new characters out there to you and into the Gods And Gears universe.

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5 panels left to edit on Hammerella.

I can’t wait for you all to feel this book.

I’m aiming straight for your hearts with non stop action for 88 pages.

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Hammerella fan art, lineart, inks and colors by me. 😃👍.

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Some of the ships from Hammerella. The big one is The Lumirada. It houses millions of people, refugees of a galactic war.

The fighters are called light tracers and belong to the rogue naval flight squad Blue Astra.

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Just finished coloring the last Hammerella page.⚡️ In 👊

I’m exhausted! So many robots and explosians.💥

Official campaign update later.

Taking two days to help the family with some stuff and then edits and lettering begin this weekend.

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Had my head down working all weekend and I’ll be coloring the last 2 Hammerella pages today/tonight! Then an official update.

Way behind on DMs but I’ll catch up!

Panel crop from some of tonight’s coloring.

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After coloring Hammerella for the night while playing SYFY‘s Dune, an idea for a character piece popped in my head. Here’s the sketch Paul Atreides that I hope to work into a painting.

Thanks to I was able to get the idea down in about ten minutes.

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Color work in progress done in for Hammerella.

Watching a fan mix/edit of the 1984 Dune in the background. Great Toto tunes.

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Artwork samples from Hammerella: Thundersmoke.

I’m penciling, inking, lettering, and coloring with flatting assists by my man .

The book is totally drawn and we are doing colors on the last dozen of the 88 pages.

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Hammerella update.


We need a week or so to wrap colors and then the same for letters and final edits.

Feeling strong but very, very tired.

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Just a couple Hammerella panels. Listening to Regina Specter while coloring and is playing animal crossing. Mellow creative night.

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