LIVEALIVE HD-2Dリメイク版1周年おめでとうございます!

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HD-2D RPGのドット絵に適したツールを探し中です。


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ということで、本日エイプリルフール😚 さんがHD-2Dなウサギのリリィさんを描いてくださいました🙏💕ありがとうございます!!今日は奥行きのある動きができそうなので、イベントも頑張れるぞ🌸✨

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Square Enix confirmed that Live A Live HD-2D Remake is headed to PS4/PS5/PC on April 27th.

The game sold over 500k units on Switch when it launched last year.

This is a very special game!

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Live A Live's HD-2D remake launches for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Steam on April 27:

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Mobile RPG Champions of the Continent is featuring in its latest crossover event until April 5! 2B, 9S, and A2 defend Orsterra in charming HD-2D. Learn more about the event in the overview below!

Trailer + Info:

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ありがとうございます! ドラクエ3については今後のHD-2Dリメイク版に期待ということで不遇ヒロイン集合絵から除外しました〜

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DRAGON QUESTⅢより、みんなの性癖を歪ませた僧侶。


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Chrono Trigger for Super Famicom (SNES) celebrates its 28th anniversary today in Japan.

I hope my prediction is not true again like Chrono Cross, it seems remake eventually might happen in the future. What I'm thinking as HD-2D, including content from Satellaview & Anime OVA.

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This game is 100% my absolute favorite of all time. As a retro gamer, the HD-2D design for any games that use it are an A+ in my book. This one, however, nails everything in a way that took my breath away.

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Team Asano of Square Enix needs to remake these SNES games with the HD-2D treatment they gave Live A Live.

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Triangle Strategy released for the first time one year ago today, first hitting Nintendo Switch. A tactical turn-based RPG with HD-2D stylings similar to and from some of the same team as Octopath Traveler.

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20) Live a Live

I was really interested in Live a Live when I heard it was coming out in the west, and I still am interested.
A story spanning across many time periods.
And HD-2D, which I'm just a massive slut for.

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【Now Playing】"HD-2D: Under the Fake" by 下村陽子 LIVE A LIVE HD-2D Remake Original Soundtrack

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The game was definitely carried for me by the music, the voice acting, and the HD-2D animation 👍🏽 Some of the characters were even pretty awesome! (My favorites were Cube and the Shifu) 😭

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🎂 Anniversaire – L’incroyable Dragon Quest Ⅲ fête aujourd’hui ses 35 ans d’existence au Japon. Sorti sur Famicom, le jeu est arrivé pour la première fois chez nous en 2014 sur mobile puis en 2019 sur Switch (en anglais). On attend toujours des nouvelles du remake HD-2D du jeu.

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