Vanessa and Melissa. Two friends who have to be separate but are in this together. THANK YOU.

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THANK YOU JASON! A resident at NYU and we are lucky to have him

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Thank you to the Bay State Internal Medicine Pediatric residents for starting out in this pandemic. Grateful for your daily work and your future careers

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Thank you to the MGH Respiratory Therapists working around the clock. Also STAY HOME FOR THEM

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THANK YOU KATIE! An ER nurse in NYC with the kind of energy we are damn lucky to have.

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THANK YOU TAIVA! Taiva is a nurse in Victoria BC taking on Covid-19 like an absolute baller

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Mike and Emma are a beautiful couple of ER nurses at MGH Boston. THANK YOU, MIKE AND EMMA!

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THANK YOU to these ICU nurses at MGH, Boston.

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